Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Womb-er has it....

We went to the doctor yesterday, and I giggled all the way home... We are so thrilled, and so happy to share with you that....

babyDidzette's first dress

I've spent the past 24 hours daydreaming of her princess themed birthday parties and baking cookies on rainy days together... while Didz is looking forward to coaching her basketball team and taking her to baseball games (just like my dad did when I was little). We can't wait to get to know this baby gal as she grows up and explores the world. We keep wondering if she'll have blue eyes like me, or brown eyes like Didz... will she be funny like her mama or will she sing like her daddy (a little pitchy - but full of heart :)... will she be artistic or analytical... boisterous or soft-spoken... will she like chocolate or vanilla... the Lakers or the Raptors???

All we really know, is that she will be LOVED. 


  1. Funny like who exactly...?

    Go Raps.

    1. That's so weird, when I went to check on that typo, the whole system just shut down - like total melt-down of the bloginator... guess I can't change it. Shame. Looks like mama's the funny one.

  2. Awww so exciting!!! Congratulations on a baby girl! I'm so excited!!!!

    1. Thanks Stell! She'll have some pretty inspiring and rad Tias to show her the ways of the world... and i'm hoping Teo and Miguel will look out for her and threaten to beat up any guys who come around flirting with her :)

  3. YAYYYY AUSTE + JONAS!!!!! SO excited for you guys! That is amazing news!!!

    1. YAYYYY.... thanks Molls! We're giggly and giddy and so excited to meet this little lady... and visits to Brooklyn will be frequent so she could kick it with auntie mollie BK style.

  4. Oh my gosh, she'll be the cutest (especially with such a fashionable mum and pop)! (I had a hunch, it'd be a little DWK :) )

    1. Thanks, Daiv! I will do my very best to teach her to live her life like a true DWK... glad she'll have you in her life to help with that, too... but let's wait to introduce her to Mugzie for a few years, k? :)

  5. Oh my goodness. How exciting! Congratulations!!!
